Morbic 12 boats - For Sale &/or Wanted.

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Morbic 12 boats - For Sale &/or Wanted.

This post was updated on .
This section is only for Selling and Buying MORBIC-12 BOATS.
(Components, materials, chandlery, sails, trailers, tools, etc. are in another topic.)

Most Morbic owners fall in love with them forever, so they rarely come on the market.
One UK Morbic changed hands in 2021 due to the owner's retirement/house move, so you might be lucky.

No Commercial ads please.
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Re: Morbic 12 boats - For Sale &/or Wanted.

Jonnie Taylor
Hello My Morbic members.  

We live in Cornwall virtually on the Restronguet Creek.  

We have in the past owned and sailed Drascombes (a Lugger and a Longboat), a Romilly, a Shrimper and a Swallow Bayraider.  

With older age encroaching we are now looking for a smaller, lighter, simpler sail-and-oar boat.  We would dearly like to bring a Morbic 12 into our lives to leisurely explore the many side creeks of the Fal and other local rivers.  If any of you are thinking of perhaps, and I am sure reluctantly, retiring your Morbic, we would dearly love to hear from you.

With very best wishes

Jonnie & Dee.

Mob & WhatsApp: 07840 641978