Morbic sail numbers?

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Morbic sail numbers?

John S
I know Paul has asked me this question, but did not everyone get issued with a sail number when they built a Morbic 12? When I bought the manual from Francois Vivier, he referred to No82 in his download. I assumed that everyone would have had a unique number?
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Re: Morbic sail numbers?

I bought the hard copy version of the plans direct from Francois.

I presume the sail No. is the same as the Plan No, written on the cover of the build manual.

which would make my boat No 93.

Graham Neil
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Re: Morbic sail numbers?

John S
That'll be it!
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Re: Morbic sail numbers?

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In reply to this post by John S
The Plan/Sail numbers of most Known UK Morbics have been determined (we think!).
See the table of Known UK Morbics on the website.
It is also the same as the receipt number.