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After shamefully exploiting all the wonderful ideas I've found on this forum and asking probably the dumbest of questions, I finally came up with something original, or at least I haven't seen it anywhere else before.

I wasn't very fond on the footrest design, having visions of my not-so-stable parents stumbling and falling overboard, slight nightmares about another six or so holes in the bottom, or having to decide if I wanted to paint them of leave them as brightwork.

So I came up with the following idea, to place a footrest "rod" between two "heads". The bottom part is skewed to accomodate the angle betwee garboard and bulkhead and the outside face tapered to make the inside faces parallel to each other. It's still a work in progress, but the idea is probably clear now...

Looking forward to your comments!
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Re: Footrests

Hi Sinfronteras.
Lovely varnished(?) internal rear deck!
And you've come up with an interesting concept for your rowing footrest.
On Proteus, we have two rowing positions:-
For the forward position we followed the official footrest design.  Noted your concerns about "six or so holes in the bottom" - Our forward footrests are bonded not screwed.  They have not given any problems.
For the aft rowing position we wanted a clean deck, for similar reasons to yours, but decided to go for a detachable raised footrest bar.
It fits into two "do-nuts" which are bonded to the inward faces of the bulkheads/buoyancy.  
When not in use it is stowed in the port locker/buoyancy.
You'll find images and a sketch on the "Proteus" page of the website.
Find it via "Known Uk Morbics", "Proteus", then look in the central section headed "2) Details, Quirks, Mods," (etc).
The “Extra Hatch” (for stowage of long items in the port side buoyancy/locker) is the previous slide in the sequence.

Let us know how you get on.
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Re: Footrests

Those rings are some fine woodworking, Paul! It looks very beautiful. I'll need something to attach the rod to and this gives a great idea. My "heads" allows me to delay some final decisions (like where to put the footrests, how many positions...) without having to drill in the bulkheads or the bottom, and the pieces of wood provide ample glueing surface.

The "laquer" you're seeing is just the priming epoxy. It'll be mostly painted inside. Actually, I can't wait to turn the boat again and work on the hull, but I'll need to do this outside and we haven't had a nice saturday since like... september?